New article submissions should be done through the relevant Google Forms.
Manuscripts should not be less than 5000 words and not more than 8000 words (excluding references, author/s biodata, and appendix). Manuscripts that do not adhere to this will not be considered for review. Each manuscript must have an abstract (between 200-250 words) and 5 keywords.
The authors are required to send the manuscript in Word.docx and PDF format.
To facilitate the blind review process, please ensure that the authors' names do not appear anywhere in the manuscript or in the filename. Authors' names, designations, and institutional addresses should be in a separate file. Please indicate the corresponding author of the manuscript: Rosli Talif a* Vahid Nimehchisalem b
The authors are to check manuscripts for accuracy of language before submitting them to the journal. The Editorial Board will not edit submitted manuscripts for style or language.
Papers submitted to FBMK Journals must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere, either in electronic or printed form. The corresponding author should declare this when submitting the paper to the Editor-In-Chief.
Upon submission of a paper, the author/authors are to provide the editorial board with the names of three(3) reviewers from different institutions, complete with their addresses, designations, and email addresses.
We do not encourage multiple submissions. An author may publish ONLY in alternate issues of the FBMK Journals. The rule remains in the case of co-authorship.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to make editorial changes to any manuscript accepted for publication to enhance clarity and style.
Manuscripts that do not adhere to any of the SUBMISSION GUIDELINES will not be considered for review.
The editorial board has the final decision to accept or decline papers.
Authors who are found to have plagiarised may be banned from publishing in this journal for a period to be decided by the Editorial Board.
Authors are to submit their papers electronically by using the online submission (Google Form) or submit to the respective email.
To submit a manuscript, authors must provide the following documents:
A. Full manuscript (Word.docx format)
B. Title Page (PDF format)
C. Cover Letter (PDF format)
D. Full manuscript without author information (Word.docx format)
E. Reviewers suggestion (PDF format)
F. Completed Copyright Agreement (PDF format)
Authors are required to use the style template. Format the manuscript accordingly before submission.
All manuscripts must be typed in Microsoft Word (.docx) and single-spaced. Margins are to be set at Normal (2.54cm all around) and paper size at A4 (21 x 29.7cm).
References should be between 15-30 and 30% of the references should be from journals. The authors must make sure that some of the references are current (published within the last five years).
Authors are required to conform to the References Guidelines (APA style) as given if they want their manuscript to be considered for publication.